Recently we held a spooky Halloween Fun Day. Children got to hear scary stories and got to make their own creepy bats.
We held a Wine and Wisdom evening in October in aid of the museum, which went down well.
The Camera Club also held a display in the John Young Gallery in September. Beautiful pictures were up on display. (If you want to have your own display up in the museum or are looking for a space to work with a group, why not contact the museum? Details of the John Young Gallery and how to book are on the museum's website at
The museum also partnered with Okehampton Rotary Club to produce a time capsule. The capsule is on display in the museum and will stay there for another 50 years! The time capsule conceals our views and values in the 21st Century and provides a way to educated the future, as well as reminding ourselves of the life and society we now live in.
The museum is also participating in Cards for Good Causes again this year. Cards are available for purchase in the museum reception and will be available for sale until the 15th of December. Money from cards sold goes to different charities.
Events and stories are often posted in the Okehampton Times. These can also be seen on the paper's website and the museum's Facebook page in the album 'The Okehampton Times'